7 Reasons Why Your Fat Loss Plan Is Failing


Women and men all over the world are seeking the elusive health, fitness and weight loss plan for an easy way to lose weight and tone muscle without doing the hard yards.

Unfortunately, they’re not aware that it is the cumulative total of a number of fitness and wellness strategies working in conjunction with one another that is the real secret to achieving a tipping point in their goals – in which long term sustainable health, wellness and fitness are achieved with ease

The challenge is in knowing where your plan is failing and how to pinpoint key areas that need immediate attention that can turn a struggling weight loss plan around overnight.

So, today we explore the top 7 reasons why your weight loss plan is failing. Based on 23 years of my experience working in the field with many clients from all types of backgrounds and walks of life, you’ll quickly discover ways to convert your body into a fat burning machine. When you understand these simple concepts and how they work together, you can easily achieve your goals time and time again without fail.

Let’s dive straight in with number one.

1. We’ve Heard This A Million Times. If You’re Not Drinking Enough Water, How Can You Expect Your Body To Function Properly?

Water is the essence of life. Every living being is composed of 70% water, the Earth, Animals, Plants… and you. At least you should be. If you are not hydrated sufficiently, your body can not function at its highest level. Why do you think athletes drink water between every shift?

Think of a cell in your body like it was a grape…plump, juicy and full of energy. What happens when you dehydrate a grape? It becomes shriveled, tough, wrinkly and sticky. The good nutrition struggles to go into the cell, but worst of all, the bad stuff struggles to get out, and you’re left feeling tired and stressed.

By simply knowing how much water to drink for your body type, might be the shift you need to burn off unwanted body fat.


2. You Choose The Wrong Diet Plan. How Do I Know The Right One To Choose?

Every day it seems, someone is sprouting the latest and greatest diet plan. No wonder the population is messed struggling to maintain weight loss. First of all, I like to look at the word DIE T. It’s spelt with die to a tee (sorry, bad joke). Over the years, the word diet had lost all meaning and effectiveness. But in essence, when you are dieting, it can be a good diet or it can be a bad diet. How can you tell the difference?
Firstly, is it one that you can stick to? Secondly, does it make sense? Thirdly, who created it and what are they trying to sell you? And last but not least, what is it depriving you of?

At Onebody Wellness, we don’t like to deprive you of your favourite foods. We make them part of your nutrition plan and keep it simple. The easier it is for you to stick to, the greater your chances are of long term success.


3. Making Fat The Enemy. You Have Been Fed Lies….Sort Of ? Say What???

If you’ve been steering clear of dietary fat due to the fact that the low fat diet fad has brainwashed you into believing that consuming fat equates to you getting fat, then I’ve got some news for you.

The proper varieties of fats are, in fact, extremely challenging for your body to convert into body fat because they’re regarded as ‘functional’. Meaning that your entire body has a use for them in developing strong cell structure and hormone enhancement. In fact, not only will healthy and balanced fats certainly not make you fat, but also they will essentially promote fat reduction. Keep your fat consumption to about 30% of your daily calories, but snack throughout the day on things such as fresh, unsalted nuts and natural peanut butter for you to seriously crank up the fat burning.

4. There’s A Very Good Chance Your Hormones Are Outta Whack

When your hormones are out of balance, it’s hard for your body to burn fat and tone muscle. Quite often our body’s are at war with themselves with everything being out of balance. Using a proper nutrition plan, exercise regime and mental strategy, you can bring your body into a harmonious state, giving yourself the best chance to reach your goals quickly and for the long haul.

5. Have You Heard, ‘You Need To Eat Less To Lose Weight’?

So many people think they need to eat less to lose weight. To an extent, when you eat less, yes, you will lose weight, but most definitely it will be the wrong kind of weight. You will lose muscle first, then water, then fat. But your metabolism will drop drastically and the losses will be short lived.

To increase your fat burning, you need to fuel and build your muscles properly to keep your metabolism sky high. Make sure you eat the right foods, and more of them, to burn more fat.

To start determining how much you need to eat, you need to find out how many calories your body needs just to function properly (your Basal Metabolic Rate). We here at OneBody programs give you this information to help you get started.

6. Training Is Not About Pushing As Hard As You Can Until You Vomit

When it comes to training, harder isn’t better, more isn’t better and back to back sessions don’t help.

There are group functional training gyms that encourage you to do back to back sessions. Many people that I have spoken to that have done this, have always ended up burning out or getting injured. This defeats the purpose of getting fitter and losing body fat.

At one stage, I contemplated turning my studio into a Cross ✝️ – Fit Rehabilitation Centre with all the injuries that people were sustaining in their boxes. All of those injuries were unnecessary but we helped them get back on track.

If your exercises are causing you to lose muscle, if you’re doing long slow cardio, if you’re tired all the time, if you’re not giving yourself enough time to recover, then you’re asking for long term aches and pains.

As opposed to running and other long cardio for two hours that burns calories for maybe 2 – 3 hours, and causes joint problems, early aging and hormonal imbalances. We have been training clients for 23 years, and have learned a thing or two about how people respond to certain exercises and how to get great results. Our programs are designed to tone muscle and burn body fat for 24 – 48 hours so you lose fat, not just weight.


7. Not Setting Goals That Will Inspire You To Grow

Most of the time, we set weight loss goals for things like upcoming holidays, weddings and the like. This isn’t a bad thing, but it does leave a lot of room for error.

Believe it or not, there is an art to writing goals. Not just fitness goals, but goals for everyday life, business life and anything in between.

Most of us have heard of the SMART goal principle Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Based. These are good, but not great. At OneBody Wellness and Transformation, we teach you how to create goals worth being excited about. How much more likely are you to achieve a goal if you’re excited about it?

The benefits of having the right knowledge, plan and team behind you is invaluable. Once you learn how your mind and body respond to the correct exercise and nutrition. Getting the body you want can happen on auto pilot.
Over the years I have helped thousands of men and women around Australia and all over the world. I come across many that get swept up in the latest fad or craze. Many of which are very dangerous. Just because a celebrity says it works, doesn’t mean it that it will.

If you have been reading the strategies contained within this article and heard yourself at any point say, “I know!”

As Stephen R. Covey famously said, “To know and not to do is really not to know.”

If your body is lean, defined, toned and energetic then ‘yes’ you know your strategies and have a great plan.

However, if looking in the mirror is as frightening as a Friday the 13th movie, and you’re in dire need of shifting how you feel about yourself, I urge you to take the steps to get the education required to make your body look and feel the way you want and deserve..

It is simply not enough to ‘know,’ you must apply the right information diligently and consistently.

So, if you’re ready to address all 7 issues, plus countless others that can have a dramatic impact on your health and fitness, CLICK HERE and get yourself a FREE Breakthrough Strategy Session to get you on the right path of health and wellness

At OneBody Wellness and Transformation, we specialise in helping busy women drop fat and tone muscle quickly and for the long run. Call Today for a quick 5 -10 minute chat

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Craig M Talks About His 4kg+ Weight Loss



We all love to hear from clients who are doing well with their training and getting great results.  But what happens when that number on the scale just doesn’t move despite all your best efforts?

Craig M from Hollywell has been training consistently and getting fantastic results.  He’s losing centimetres, he’s building strength, his clothes fit more comfortably, but he’s not happy with the number he sees on the scales.

Can you relate?

Make sure you watch the video above to find out more about how he shifted things and got a great number change on the scales in only 6 days.


Do you want to learn more about creating an eating plan or an exercise routine that will boost your results? Let’s get started towards your fitness goals. Chad of the OneBody Wellness and Transformation team specialises in toning and weight loss success and would be more than happy to talk to you about your personalised wellness and fitness plan. Click here to know more.

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How to Activate your Weight Loss Hormones

Taking advantage of female hormones have shown that it may support your fitness and nutrition goals. You might blame your intense period cravings on your hormones but they’re helping in terms of muscle-building and metabolic processes.

Women have always felt vulnerable to hormonal cravings and sluggish metabolism due to stress and period. It’s a good thing that science is now discovering how female hormones are related to weight loss and increased metabolism.


In this post, we will be sharing tips on how to activate these hormones to support weight-loss and revving up metabolism. Here are 4 ways to turn on your hormones to reduce weight and unwanted fat.

1.) Discover the Staying Power of Protein-Packed Meals

Did you know that you have hormones that slow down the movement of food through your GI tract? This is called cholecystokinin which are released by your intestines whenever you eat. It’s a glucagon-like peptide 1 and peptide YY that helps in gradual digestion of food intake. The big idea here is that slow-moving food makes you fuller after a meal.

Your Hormone-Activating Trick: Integrate protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs for every meal. How do you make your meal feel you fuller? Consume around 20 to 25 grams of protein in each meal. High-protein meals increase these satiating hormones, but make sure to add some fiber from complex carbs and some veggies that contain healthy fats.

2.) Curbing Your Cravings

There’s a hormone that decreases your appetite called leptin. It’s also called the feel-full hormone or satiety which is released from your body’s fat cells once it is activated from your brain’s hypothalamus. High levels of the feel-full hormone can lead to leptin resistance since the more fat you have then the more leptin your body will produce. Most women have low levels of leptin which is making them super hungry.

Your Hormone-Activating Trick: People with sleeping disorders such as sleep apnea and insomnia are struggling with weigh loss. Why? Sleep deprivation directly affects leptin secretion. To optimize your leptin levels, women should get around 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Manage your sleep habits to leverage on your leptin levels.

3.) Engage in Fat-Burning and Muscle-Building Exercise

The more lean muscle that you have then the more calories you burn even if you’re not doing any physical activity. How’s that possible? Your testosterone levels are at work even if you have a little of them. It’s a common notion that men have tons of testosterone but women have their share of it as well. It’s our body’s primary muscle-building hormones and you need to turn it on to lose weight

Your Hormone-Activating Trick: Weightlifting movements is an effective way to promote the release of testosterone. Performing compound movements such as pullups and squats will use more muscle fiber which will trigger the release of fat-burning testosterone.

4.) Support Your Thyroid

Our thyroid gland secretes a variety of thyroid hormones including T3 and T4. These hormones manage how many calories you burn by just being in a stationary position. Autoimmune diseases are the cause of thyroid hormone levels, and even healthy women experience a drop in thyroid hormones which result in reduced metabolic rates.

Your Hormone-Activating Trick: Iodine deficiency is the cause of thyroid malfunction. This means that you need to load up with iodine-rich food such as tune and cod. Seaweed is also a good source of iodine. If you take a close look, these can be included as a source of protein and fiber respectively

Do you want to learn more about creating an eating plan or an exercise routine that will boost your metabolism? Let’s get started towards your fitness goals. Chad of the OneBody Wellness and Transformation team specialises in female weight loss success and would be more than happy to talk to you about your personalised eating plan. Click here to know more.

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3 Fitness Essentials for Women in Their 30s and Above

Most women don’t really contemplate about hitting their mid-30s, let alone their health and fitness goals. Once you do a reality check, growing older is an aspect which we can simply yield and follow. It’s like a current in a fast rushing stream. Before you know it, you’re past your 30s and you’ve already hit the 40-year mark.

Let’s be lenient though, 35 isn’t really considered as middle age. However, you’ll start noticing that your body will not be the same as when you were in your 20s. You’ll put on weight more easily, and not to mention, you don’t feel as energetic as before.

Worry not, there are more ways than not to cling on to your youth. You just need to invest a lot of smart effort to stay physically, emotionally, and mentally fit. Being young and fit is all about looking good and feeling great at the same time, right?


Here are 3 fitness mindset essentials for women 35 and up:

1.) Eat Smart

It’s a fact that as we grow older, our bodies require fewer calories to function properly. Hence, when you continue binge eating the way you did back in your 20s then expect to gain some weight in unwanted places. So, don’t be surprised if suddenly you’ve put on a couple of kilos in a months’ time even if you haven’t customised your diet plan. It’s natural for everyone to notice their body reacting to the aging process. There’s no quick fix for this, the only practical approach would be to consume a diet with more nutrients and minimise eating just for the sake of eating.

2.) Adjust Training Intensity

Your fitness mindset hasn’t changed but your body is slower compared to to when you were in your 20s. It’s a must to do yourself and your body a favour by toning down the intensity of exercise routines. This will enable you to prevent injuries while you still enjoy doing your favourite exercise. Keep in mind that your bone density decreases which can make you more prone to early arthritis. The solution? Invest in strength training routines while minimising high impact activities to build greater bone density.

3.) Prevent Ailments

Keeping yourself healthy and fit is easier said than done. You need to walk the talk and focus on your health in every aspect. Regular exercise routines and a balanced diet will complement your health. However, you also need to have yourself screened regularly for gynecological disorders and breast cancer for prevention. It’s also advisable to give up vices such as drinking and smoking which can increase your stress levels. Remember that prevention and monitoring is always key to avoiding unwanted illnesses.

Let’s get started towards your fitness goals. The Naked Truth Fitness Team have more than 40 years experience personally training clients and would be more than glad to talk to you about your fitness goals. For an obligation free chat, Click here to know more.

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5 Simple Ways to Boost your Metabolism

Nature works in different ways. This goes the same for every person’s body and metabolism. Each of us vary in terms of metabolic rates since we do different types of work, some would be glued to their office chair most of the time and some would be doing more labourous work.

So why do some people easily gain weight and others have a difficult time gaining some?

Metabolism is our body’s own “personal trainer. It’s a process that works naturally to support you in shedding unwanted fat and burning calories. Enzymes in your cells break down food then convert it into energy. This enables your heart to keep on beating, your mind to thinking whenever you’re at work, or even when you engage in a group exercise class.

The idea here is that metabolism is a subjective matter. The faster a person’s metabolism works then the more she can burn those calories. It also means that the more you burn then the easier it is to shed those kilos off.


Here are 5 simple yet effective ways to improve your metabolism:

1.) Start your Day with a Hearty Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The big idea here though is the quality and quantity of your food in the morning. Always keep in mind that a hearty breakfast is better since it will make you full for hours and prevent you hop on starvation mode.

A combination of lean protein coupled with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats is what works best. The old reliable would be hard-boiled eggs and cup of oatmeal. You can also add some berries and a teaspoon of omega-3 fish oil. Remember to consume a quantity that will make you full for the next few hours even before thinking about lunch.

2.) Remember Fiber

It’s a best practice to include vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. This will enable your body to flush out toxins more easily. The idea here is that consuming organic fruits and veggies are considered more effective since they are grown without pesticides. These chemicals block your thyroid function. Your thyroid is your body’s personal thermostat and gauges how fast your metabolism runs. Whether it’s organic produce or not, it is a must to have your greens during lunch and some fruits to complement your breakfast.

3.) Strength Training

Did you know that muscle weighs more than fat which means it uses more energy as well? Most women in their 30s and 40s tend to increase their resting metabolism by 100 calories per day through strength training. This can be achieved spending 40 minutes twice a week for 3-4 months. The great thing about training twice weekly? It keeps your thermostat running at an ideal rate even if you don’t visit the gym daily.

4.) Make Calories Work for You

It’s a fact that if you trim those calories in your diet plan, it will deliberately affect your metabolism. The body’s metabolic process will think that times are lean and puts a hold on fat-burning to conserve energy. The solution would be to eat enough calories at least to match your resting metabolic rate. It’s a tricky situation but keep in mind that eating the right food, which give you sufficient calories is key to making those calories work for you.

5.) Protein First

Do you even wonder why your personal trainer promotes a protein-packed diet for you? It’s because your body digests protein more slowly compared to carbohydrates. A high-protein meal also boosts your metabolism. During thermogenesis, your body uses around 10% of its calorie intake for digestion, which means it takes longer to burn protein than fat or carbs. With this in mind, your body tends to expend more energy-absorbing nutrients in a high-protein diet.


Do you want to learn more about creating a diet plan or a exercise routine that will boost your metabolism? Let’s get started towards your fitness goals. The Team at The Naked Truth Fitness would be more than happy to talk to you about your personalised eating plan. Click here to know more.

A Girl’s Best Friend is Not Cellulite

Cellulite – something that no woman wants to see on the back of her thighs or butt in her best bikini. Why do supermodels like Victoria’s Secret Angel, Adriana Lima or even you’re average gym junkie neighbour don’t show the signs of cellulite is something every woman wants to know. To get rid of cellulite, we first must understand what is it.

Cellulite (other than being the worst nightmare of every woman) is a persistent fat that causes dimpling under the skin especially in the areas of the hips, thighs and buttocks. About 90% of women show signs of cellulite, so don’t be embarrassed ladies you’re not the only one! Since it is fat, it should be able to be lost through proper eating and exercise. Except with cellulite, it’s a little different to normal fat. Cellulite is different because it is hardened un-metabolized fat, water and trapped wastes under the skin (this gives the dimpled appearance).

To remove cellulite from the body the best way is clean eating and regular exercise. Creating a regular routine around your work and personal life will be the most effective way to fit in those sweaty sessions. Your action plan to remove that stubborn cellulite is to eat cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables? ‘What are they?’ These vegetables are Cauliflower, Cabbage, Watercress, Bok Choy, Broccoli and similar green leafy vegetables. These veggies are high in lecithin, which helps repair tissue damage in the skin cells. Also having a clean diet is essential to remove those lumps and bumps from the behind. When it comes to clean eating, we ladies have to remember the essential 8 tips to achieve or keep those ultimate bikini bodies all year round.

  1. Commit to a 100% clean eating diet.
  2. Cut out all processed foods.
  3. Stay away from white flour
  4. Cut out refined sugar and salts
  5. Keep up your healthy fats such as avocado, nuts and oils
  6. Track your meals
  7. Adding lean protein
  8. Always drink water

Clean eating always has a buddy and it is called regular exercise! Exercising regularly is great for your body to remove fat, keep muscle tone and creating a positive and happy attitude. There are lots of exercises that can tone and reduce the amount of fat in the thighs, butt and hips. To focus on reducing the symptoms of cellulite you have to target the areas of concern. Doing exercises such as a variety of squats, lunges, dead lifts etc.

By following these simple tips you should have sexy-cellulite-free legs, hips and butts all year round. Remember ladies keep up your regular exercise between your work and personal life and eat clean.

To learn how you can live a cellulite free lifestyle contact your Runaway Bay Personal Trainer