7 Reasons Why Your Fat Loss Plan Is Failing


Women and men all over the world are seeking the elusive health, fitness and weight loss plan for an easy way to lose weight and tone muscle without doing the hard yards.

Unfortunately, they’re not aware that it is the cumulative total of a number of fitness and wellness strategies working in conjunction with one another that is the real secret to achieving a tipping point in their goals – in which long term sustainable health, wellness and fitness are achieved with ease

The challenge is in knowing where your plan is failing and how to pinpoint key areas that need immediate attention that can turn a struggling weight loss plan around overnight.

So, today we explore the top 7 reasons why your weight loss plan is failing. Based on 23 years of my experience working in the field with many clients from all types of backgrounds and walks of life, you’ll quickly discover ways to convert your body into a fat burning machine. When you understand these simple concepts and how they work together, you can easily achieve your goals time and time again without fail.

Let’s dive straight in with number one.

1. We’ve Heard This A Million Times. If You’re Not Drinking Enough Water, How Can You Expect Your Body To Function Properly?

Water is the essence of life. Every living being is composed of 70% water, the Earth, Animals, Plants… and you. At least you should be. If you are not hydrated sufficiently, your body can not function at its highest level. Why do you think athletes drink water between every shift?

Think of a cell in your body like it was a grape…plump, juicy and full of energy. What happens when you dehydrate a grape? It becomes shriveled, tough, wrinkly and sticky. The good nutrition struggles to go into the cell, but worst of all, the bad stuff struggles to get out, and you’re left feeling tired and stressed.

By simply knowing how much water to drink for your body type, might be the shift you need to burn off unwanted body fat.


2. You Choose The Wrong Diet Plan. How Do I Know The Right One To Choose?

Every day it seems, someone is sprouting the latest and greatest diet plan. No wonder the population is messed struggling to maintain weight loss. First of all, I like to look at the word DIE T. It’s spelt with die to a tee (sorry, bad joke). Over the years, the word diet had lost all meaning and effectiveness. But in essence, when you are dieting, it can be a good diet or it can be a bad diet. How can you tell the difference?
Firstly, is it one that you can stick to? Secondly, does it make sense? Thirdly, who created it and what are they trying to sell you? And last but not least, what is it depriving you of?

At Onebody Wellness, we don’t like to deprive you of your favourite foods. We make them part of your nutrition plan and keep it simple. The easier it is for you to stick to, the greater your chances are of long term success.


3. Making Fat The Enemy. You Have Been Fed Lies….Sort Of ? Say What???

If you’ve been steering clear of dietary fat due to the fact that the low fat diet fad has brainwashed you into believing that consuming fat equates to you getting fat, then I’ve got some news for you.

The proper varieties of fats are, in fact, extremely challenging for your body to convert into body fat because they’re regarded as ‘functional’. Meaning that your entire body has a use for them in developing strong cell structure and hormone enhancement. In fact, not only will healthy and balanced fats certainly not make you fat, but also they will essentially promote fat reduction. Keep your fat consumption to about 30% of your daily calories, but snack throughout the day on things such as fresh, unsalted nuts and natural peanut butter for you to seriously crank up the fat burning.

4. There’s A Very Good Chance Your Hormones Are Outta Whack

When your hormones are out of balance, it’s hard for your body to burn fat and tone muscle. Quite often our body’s are at war with themselves with everything being out of balance. Using a proper nutrition plan, exercise regime and mental strategy, you can bring your body into a harmonious state, giving yourself the best chance to reach your goals quickly and for the long haul.

5. Have You Heard, ‘You Need To Eat Less To Lose Weight’?

So many people think they need to eat less to lose weight. To an extent, when you eat less, yes, you will lose weight, but most definitely it will be the wrong kind of weight. You will lose muscle first, then water, then fat. But your metabolism will drop drastically and the losses will be short lived.

To increase your fat burning, you need to fuel and build your muscles properly to keep your metabolism sky high. Make sure you eat the right foods, and more of them, to burn more fat.

To start determining how much you need to eat, you need to find out how many calories your body needs just to function properly (your Basal Metabolic Rate). We here at OneBody programs give you this information to help you get started.

6. Training Is Not About Pushing As Hard As You Can Until You Vomit

When it comes to training, harder isn’t better, more isn’t better and back to back sessions don’t help.

There are group functional training gyms that encourage you to do back to back sessions. Many people that I have spoken to that have done this, have always ended up burning out or getting injured. This defeats the purpose of getting fitter and losing body fat.

At one stage, I contemplated turning my studio into a Cross ✝️ – Fit Rehabilitation Centre with all the injuries that people were sustaining in their boxes. All of those injuries were unnecessary but we helped them get back on track.

If your exercises are causing you to lose muscle, if you’re doing long slow cardio, if you’re tired all the time, if you’re not giving yourself enough time to recover, then you’re asking for long term aches and pains.

As opposed to running and other long cardio for two hours that burns calories for maybe 2 – 3 hours, and causes joint problems, early aging and hormonal imbalances. We have been training clients for 23 years, and have learned a thing or two about how people respond to certain exercises and how to get great results. Our programs are designed to tone muscle and burn body fat for 24 – 48 hours so you lose fat, not just weight.


7. Not Setting Goals That Will Inspire You To Grow

Most of the time, we set weight loss goals for things like upcoming holidays, weddings and the like. This isn’t a bad thing, but it does leave a lot of room for error.

Believe it or not, there is an art to writing goals. Not just fitness goals, but goals for everyday life, business life and anything in between.

Most of us have heard of the SMART goal principle Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Based. These are good, but not great. At OneBody Wellness and Transformation, we teach you how to create goals worth being excited about. How much more likely are you to achieve a goal if you’re excited about it?

The benefits of having the right knowledge, plan and team behind you is invaluable. Once you learn how your mind and body respond to the correct exercise and nutrition. Getting the body you want can happen on auto pilot.
Over the years I have helped thousands of men and women around Australia and all over the world. I come across many that get swept up in the latest fad or craze. Many of which are very dangerous. Just because a celebrity says it works, doesn’t mean it that it will.

If you have been reading the strategies contained within this article and heard yourself at any point say, “I know!”

As Stephen R. Covey famously said, “To know and not to do is really not to know.”

If your body is lean, defined, toned and energetic then ‘yes’ you know your strategies and have a great plan.

However, if looking in the mirror is as frightening as a Friday the 13th movie, and you’re in dire need of shifting how you feel about yourself, I urge you to take the steps to get the education required to make your body look and feel the way you want and deserve..

It is simply not enough to ‘know,’ you must apply the right information diligently and consistently.

So, if you’re ready to address all 7 issues, plus countless others that can have a dramatic impact on your health and fitness, CLICK HERE and get yourself a FREE Breakthrough Strategy Session to get you on the right path of health and wellness

At OneBody Wellness and Transformation, we specialise in helping busy women drop fat and tone muscle quickly and for the long run. Call Today for a quick 5 -10 minute chat

Why You Should Use Exercise To Relieve Stress


It’s kind of ironic that two very common problems in our society today are stress and obesity, and that you can find relief for both of these problems with one simple act: exercise. Yes, it’s true, you can exercise to relieve stress.

im stressed out

Your body produces endorphins when you exercise, endorphins can help you feel relaxed and at ease and produce an overall feeling of well being, even euphoria. This is what is referred to as the ‘runners high’. This chemical is actually similar in structure to morphine.

By exercising regularly you are releasing these endorphins into your system which will help you feel less out of control and stressed. This feeling of well being will follow you throughout the day, long after you’ve left the gym.

Another stress busting factor in exercise is the ability to get out all, or at least some, of your pent up frustrations. Daily frustrations are cumulative and over time they can add up to one very big ball of stress.

We all know that if we allow stress to build up for too long we eventually explode. Regular exercise will help you get it out of your system. If we control those explosions by focusing that energy into something constructive, such as a boxing class, or a nice long jog, we can get the stress relief we need without getting ourselves into trouble.

If you’re really angry nothing feels better than to do some very high intensity exercise. Do you still feel angry and upset after you’ve spent an hour at the gym, or running, swimming, biking, or even just taking a nice long walk? Most people will feel a pleasant calmness after an invigorating workout.

You can really melt away alot of stress and anger by converting that angry energy into a physical workout.

Another reason exercise is a good stress reliever is because when you work out you tend to have a much higher self esteem. When we feel insecure about ourselves we tend to be on high alert and in a low simmer all the time.

stressed outMuch of the stress we face is self induced. It’s sometimes our own doubts and insecurities that create stress for us. Instead of letting our doubts and insecurities be another stressor we can use exercise as a way to improve our physical and mental health.

If we are feeling good about ourselves, if we feel strong, in control and confidant, then we simply aren’t as prone to making a mountain out of a molehill and getting all stressed out over the little ups and downs of daily life.

So exercising is a win/win. We can lose weight, get our bodies more healthy, and relieve stress all at the same time.

Using exercise to relieve stress will not only help you lower your blood pressure and be happier, it can also help you lose any extra weight you have. Losing excess weight will help lower your blood pressure and be happier. Neat, huh?

OneBody Wellness and Transformation is for busy women and men over 40 looking to regain youth, health and fitness, Who want to feel fit, young, stronger and sexy.

We specialise in long lasting sustainable body transformations while eating the foods you love.

We provide custom/individualised strategies and tactics to accelerate results, unlike other coaches, gyms and apps that provide at best, pieces to puzzle.

We have a scientifically proven blueprint for success used to transform bodies for the last 23 years.

Click Here and schedule a free Strategy Session and get your blueprint so you can finally make the changes you need to do to get the results you want

Activities For Stress Relief = Walking Tops The List

Walking may be simple, but is it really effective?

They say that exercise is one of the best activities for stress relief that you can do. And of all the exercises you can do, walking tops the list.

Taking a nice walk after dinner with your spouse, or a friend, or even your kids, is a great way to relax and have some fun, too.

Make sure you have some good walking shoes with good support and wear some non-restricting clothing like sweat pants and a t-shirt. Throw a light jacket over everything if the weather is a little cool. You can always take it off if you get too warm.

Start slowly, if you are not accustomed to walking or exercising, just make the first walk around the block in your neighborhood. Do this for a week or two until your body gets used to it then branch out and go two or three blocks.

Keep doing this every day or mix things up a bit and go to a local park or forest preserve and walk the trails.

Maybe you live in an area that has a bike path or walking trail that the city or county keeps up for those who want to use it. Sometimes they can go for miles and let you see some of the area where you live.

Just being out in nature has a calming effect on the body so walking through a nature preserve is one of the best activities for stress relief you can do for yourself.

Relieving the tension in your life is as important as eating and drinking. If you let it all build up it can have some detrimental effects on your body and overall health.

Headaches, heartburn, depression, anger, and increased anxiety are all symptoms of increased tension. If all of these go unchecked for an extended period of time it can lead to more serious things like high blood pressure.

High blood pressure can lead to any number of even more serious conditions like stroke and heart attack. It can have a domino effect where one thing leads to another and another.

Any form of exercise will help reduce the amount of tension you feel especially after the first few times you do it and the soreness or stiffness all goes away. After a work out you will feel energized and able to take on the world again with confidence.

I chose to tell you about walking because research has shown walking to be the best and it is easy to do. All you have to do is get up and start doing it. You do not have to join a gym to do your walking but you can if you want to.

You can basically walk anywhere. If you live in a place that has winter and it is too cold to walk outside for some of the year, a lot of people choose to walk at a local mall when the weather is bad.

Do yourself a favor, take care of yourself, get up and do one of the best activities for stress relief there is, take a walk.

If you would like to learn more about how to minimise stress and get your body looking and feeling great, we have 2 spots open for new clients looking to make some serious changes. email Chad at info@onebodywellness.com.au for more info

fitness dumbbell

Exercise and Mental Health

Exercise and Mental Health

We’ve all heard the saying ‘A healthy body makes a healthy mind’ well guess what – it’s true. Exercise
has been proven to be as affective as improving our mental health as it is improving our physical health
and there are number of reasons why the two are so closely related and rely so heavily on each other.
Here’s why keeping your body in shape as just as important for keeping your mental health in check:

  • Exercising changes the brain – in a good way. Exercising helps with neural growth and reduces
  • Exercising releases endorphins which make you feel happy.
  • Exercising relieves stress and tension.
  • Physical activity boosts the brain’s serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine levels.
  • Exercising improves motivation, memory and concentration.
  • Exercising can help fight insomnia

Next time you’re working out you can have the double sense of achievement that you’re working out
your body as well as your mind.

Do you want to learn more about creating an eating plan or an exercise routine that will boost your mood? Let’s get started towards your fitness goals. Chad of the OneBody Wellness and Transformation team specialises in female weight loss success and would be more than happy to talk to you about your personalised wellness and fitness plan. Click here to know more.

fitness dumbbell

Why is core strength important?

Why is core strength important?

When you are about to embark on a fitness regime or just want to have a better understanding on how to improve your training and strength, it’s important to start with the core – literally!
Most exercises, sports and physical activity rely on what is referred to as the core muscles in the body which involves the muscles around our front, back and side in the midsection of our body.

These muscles include:

  • Pelvic floor muscles
  • Transversus abdominis
  • Multifidus
  • Internal and external obliques
  • Rectus abdominis
  • Erector spinae (sacrospinalis)
  • Longissimus thoracis
  • Diaphragm

The core muscles are the support network for the entire frame and focusing on strengthening these muscles will improve many aspects of your physical strength and overall health.

The benefits of strengthening your core muscles through core exercises:

  • Trains the muscles in the lower back, hips, pelvis and abdomen to work together.
  • Helps with overall balance and stability.
  • Improves posture.
  • Protects inner organs and central nervous system.
  • Helps to prevent or minimise back pain.

A majority of personal training sessions, irrespective of the gym or personal trainer, will inadvertently include exercises which are working and strengthening the core to ensure your body is receiving the maximum benefit of the training and to also improve your general health and fitness.

Do you want to learn more about creating an eating plan or an exercise routine that will boost your strength? Let’s get started towards your fitness goals. Chad of the OneBody Wellness and Transformation team specialises in female toning and weight loss success and would be more than happy to talk to you about your personalised wellness and fitness plan. Click here to know more.