About Chad Sorsdahl
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But we are proud to say that Chad Sorsdahl contributed 25 entries already.
Entries by Chad Sorsdahl
The Effects Of Cortisol And Weight Gain
January 5, 2023 in Ageing Wellness, Diet, Exercise, Health, Mental Health, Nutrition, Personal Training /by Chad SorsdahlWhy Am I Eating Less And Not Losing Weight
October 5, 2021 in Diet, Exercise, Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss /by Chad Sorsdahl98 percent of people will fail their weight loss goals
September 29, 2021 in Ageing Wellness, Diet, Exercise, Health, Mental Health /by Chad SorsdahlSuccess Story: How to Boost your Fat Loss Efforts in 30 Days or Less
September 5, 2021 in Ageing Wellness, Diet, Exercise, Personal Training, Weight Loss /by Chad Sorsdahl7 Reasons Why Your Fat Loss Plan Is Failing
September 2, 2021 in Ageing Wellness, Diet, Exercise, Health, Mental Health, Personal Training, Weight Loss /by Chad SorsdahlWomen and men all over the world are seeking the elusive health, fitness and weight loss plan for an easy way to lose weight and tone muscle without doing the hard yards. Unfortunately, they’re not aware that it is the cumulative total of a number of fitness and wellness strategies working in conjunction with […]
Why You Should Use Exercise To Relieve Stress
March 12, 2020 in Ageing Wellness, Exercise, Health, Mental Health /by Chad SorsdahlIt’s kind of ironic that two very common problems in our society today are stress and obesity, and that you can find relief for both of these problems with one simple act: exercise. Yes, it’s true, you can exercise to relieve stress. Your body produces endorphins when you exercise, endorphins can help you feel […]
Activities For Stress Relief = Walking Tops The List
March 2, 2020 in Ageing Wellness, Exercise, Health, Mental Health, Uncategorized /by Chad SorsdahlWalking may be simple, but is it really effective? They say that exercise is one of the best activities for stress relief that you can do. And of all the exercises you can do, walking tops the list. Taking a nice walk after dinner with your spouse, or a friend, or even your kids, is […]
The Best Exercise Equipment for Your Home Workout
November 8, 2018 in Exercise, Health, Personal Training, Weight Loss /by Chad SorsdahlWhen it comes to exercising at home, the key to a successful workout is the quality of the exercise equipment you’re using – not the quantity. At the beginning of a new fitness regime or lifestyle change, it’s very easy to get a bit carried away and fill up the spare room at home with […]